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Response to the Supreme Court Decision on Roe v. Wade

Dear Community,

Fathering Together’s work is empowering dads to be agents of positive change. With the news of the Supreme Court’s decision to repeal the federal constitutional right for a woman to have autonomy over her body, we are deeply saddened and troubled by what this might mean for the future.

Our community is diverse; it spans nations, religions, identities, and beliefs. Our common bond is the experience of fatherhood and making the world better so that our children, however they might identify, will thrive. And the decision by the Supreme Court, in our opinion, runs counter to that.

As an organization, our hearts go out to all the women who will be impacted by this, but also to the husbands, sons, and daughters who feel disenfranchised and voiceless.

Every Tuesday, we host an open conversation in our Fatherhood Insider community for dads to process current events and personal challenges with fatherhood. For the foreseeable future, we will be changing our open format to be focused on specific ways our fathers can advocate for a better future. We welcome all dads to join us and work together to ensure we are preparing the world for our children and not the other way around.

Below are a list of actions and resources you can take.

Brian Anderson
Co-Founder & Executive Director

Actions & Resources

This Google Document is an open resource of organizations that need funding, volunteers, and more.

We are hosting Tuesday conversations in our Fatherhood Insider community. You are welcome to join us next Tuesday where we will gather and connect.

Articles with Action Steps



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