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  • Fathering Together is Seeking New Board Members

Fathering Together is Seeking New Board Members

Fathering Together (FT) seeks new members to serve on its Board of Directors and we are actively recruiting from a diverse crowd. We value varied perspectives, backgrounds, identities, and experiences that represent and support our broad-based membership and our community-building mission. We hope to expand our Board’s capacity for outreach and marketing, strategic planning, and fundraising, yet we are seeking members with a variety of skills and capacities.

Board member responsibilities include promoting FT’s mission, providing strategic advice and oversight, attendance at annual and quarterly meetings, supporting the Executive Director’s projects, and participation in fundraising activities and special events. Anticipated monthly time commitment varies, though on average is three hours a month. 

FT defines fatherhood inclusively, recognizing that fathers may include cisgendered, non-binary people, and those on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, as well as those who play a fathering role in someone’s life, including grandparents, uncles, cousins and siblings. Board Members need not be fathers to join our team, but only need a connection to and passion for supporting FT’s goals and mission. 

About Fathering Together

FT’s mission is to support fathers as they become actively engaged in the lives of their children. Through trainings, resources, and storytelling, FT empowers dads to be their best selves for their families, workplaces, and communities.  

FT is a nonprofit that runs a variety of fatherhood Facebook groups with over 126,000 members from around the globe. Our members represent different backgrounds, cultures, political views, and religions. FT hosts Dad Chat Groups to connect dads with their peers for advice and support. FT also provides 1-on-1 coaching to support dads as they navigate the joys and challenges of fatherhood. 

As we move forward, FT will launch a number of local, regional, and international chapters. The chapters are powered by FT’s innovative, skill-based Fatherhood Core 5 Curriculum, which builds men’s socio-emotional, cognitive, physical, financial, and spiritual health to become well-rounded and strong role models for their families. 

In addition to individual support and community building, FT hosts public conversations and events focused on creating a more equitable world designed to encourage dads as caregivers. The leadership team also works with companies and organizations to develop fatherhood resource groups that enable dads to translate their workplace skills into parenting skills and vice versa. Lastly, FT works to support a healthy work-family balance. 

If you would like to learn more about FT before applying for a Board position, please feel free to reach out to one of our current board members to ask questions, discuss your interests, and explore your fit with our organization’s mission. More information about FT is available on our website: https://fatheringtogether.org/

Application Process

Interested applicants should use this form to answer the following questions via written, audio, or video format. All formats will be evaluated equally. We welcome applicants to respond at a length they feel sufficiently answers the questions. The form will permit a total of 1500 words. We evaluate responses based on substance, rather than length. Audio or video responses should be no longer than 10 minutes. We evaluate audio and video submissions based on substance, rather than production value. 

(1) What is one thing about FT’s mission or programming that excites you? Why? 

(2) How have your social identity and experiences shaped your approach to or view of fathering? 

(3) What skills and capacities could you contribute to furthering FT’s vision and mission as a member of the Board of Directors?

(4) FT works with fathers to find work-life harmony. What is something you do to bring balance to your multiple roles?

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