Tyler Abshire works at O’Reilly Auto Parts and lives in Ville Platte where he is raising four wonderful daughters and is expecting! Every Dad of the Week answers the following questions, read on to learn more about Tyler and his family!
- What was your first reaction when you found out that you were going to be a father?
- Elation! I was so excited I nearly couldn’t contain myself!
- When you knew you were going to be a father of a daughter, who or where did you turn to for advice?
- I actually didn’t have anyone who had daughters at that time, which is why I turned to this group for support and advice! So thanks!
- How would your kids describe you as a dad?
- The fun parent! Lol We have fun all the time! And I am the one who spoils them rotten! But they also know that I love them with all of my heart and wouldn’t trade them for anything in the universe!
- What has been the largest challenge you have had in being a father?
- Learning how to properly discipline and patience. In the beginning, I struggled with knowing what was too soft or too harsh for their ages (and my wife and this group helped me with that) and just having the level of patience it takes to be a parent.
- Looking back on your life as a father, what would you change if you could?
- I would have listened to my wife and gotten a job where I was home every night as opposed to working 7/7 in the oil field. I should’ve gotten the job that I have now sooner and spent more time with them in their really early months/years. I do regret that but now I am in a position where I can do that and I am grateful.
- What do you do for fun with your daughter(s)?
- We play on the swing set, go for walks, play with dolls and blocks, watch cartoons, read books, and a whole host of other stuff. Too long to post here. Lol
- What advice would you give to other dads with daughters?
- To have complete and utter patience and know that the “girl tempers” will level out and everything will be alright. And that they will love you with all of their little hearts just as you love them. And that they’re very sensitive little beings but that you can never show them enough love or tell them that you love them enough.
- How have you come to balance fatherhood and outside life?
- Spend as much time with them as you can as much as you can. NEVER put anything above them and be there for them as much as you can outside of your work.
- What have been the most memorable experiences that you have had thus far as a father?
- All of my kids’ births. I remember each one like it was yesterday. And to see their little eyes as they look up at you for the first time…..it’s just amazing. God bless children.
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