Scott Swoboda is a dentist in the Bay Area where you can also find him raising his amazing children.
1. What was your first reaction when you found out that you were going to be a father?
Sheer joy!
2. When you knew you were going to be a father of a daughter, who or where did you turn to for advice?
My brother and father-in-law

3. How would your kids describe you as a dad?
I am the “yes” parent because when my daughter asks me for something I say “yes” a lot more than my wife does.
4. What has been the largest challenge you have had in being a father?
Balancing work with family time

5. Looking back on your life as a father, what would you change if you could?
Have another daughter!
6. What do you do for fun with your daughter(s)?
I take her shopping, to get her hair and make up done, boating, swimming, hiking, to the movies.

7. What advice would you give to other dads with daughters?
Don’t miss any moments with your daughter(s) while she lives under your roof. You’ll never get those moments back.
8. How have you come to balance fatherhood and outside life?
With an enormous amount of help from my wife!

9. What have been the most memorable experiences that you have had thus far as a father?
Milestones like graduations, birthdays, and Christmas. Our many fishing trips to Bridgeport, CA making valuable family memories. Hawaii trips. Spending time together in Tahoe and on our boat.