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  • Dad of the Week: Christoffer Bergström

Dad of the Week: Christoffer Bergström

Christoffer Bergström works as a personal assistant and lives in Sweden where he is raising his daughter and son! Every Dad of the Week answers the following questions, read on to learn more about Christoffer and his family!

  • What was your first reaction when you found out that you were going to be a father?
    • Filled with joy and worry for the challenges to come.
  • When you knew you were going to be a father of a daughter, who or where did you turn to for advice?
    • My dad.
  • How would your kids describe you as a dad?
    • Fun, loving, and comfortable to sleep on.
  • What has been the largest challenge you have had in being a father?
    • Hard to say. Every day is a new challenge.
  • Looking back on your life as a father, what would you change if you could?
    • Nothing.
  • What do you do for fun with your daughter(s)?
    • Play hide and seek, run, swing and bathe.
  • What advice would you give to other dads with daughters?
    • Do not treat them differently than you would a boy. Teach them the same stuff.
  • How have you come to balance fatherhood and outside life?
    • Kinda good, better now since I switched professions.
  • What have been the most memorable experiences that you have had thus far as a father?
    • When we came home with her baby brother and she just loved him from the very first second she saw him and has since.

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Christopher Lewis

Christopher is the co-founder of Fathering Together and the Chief Information Officer. He is the father of 2 daughters that are now in their tweens and teens. He started Dad of Divas, a blog to share his own personal experiences in being a father in 2007 and in 2018 started the Dads With Daughters Facebook Group to allow dads to connect, learn and grow together. He works in Digital Media on a daily basis, but also has over 20 years of experience in higher education administration.

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