If you are like many of the dads in our Fathering Together community, you are doing everything you can to be present and engaged in your child's life.
But, we've heard from many in our community that dads get left off of school emails, playdate invites, and don't get calls from the nurse when their child is sick. Many schools default to Mom.
We want to change that narrative and empower you to lead a school-based program to increase the involvement of dads in your school community!
We created the school-based program to connect dads with one another, their child's school administration, and parent's councils. We've enriched the program with resources and facilitated conversation guides focused on communication skills, emotional intelligence, and much more.
So, do you have what it takes to lead a group?
Still not sure? That's okay. We get it. Our calendars are jam packed with obligations. But, research shows that when dads are present, a child's health improves. Imagine if we did more than be present? Imagine if we engage them! Research shows that their self-esteem and body image increases. They take less risks in their dating life and build resilience when facing tough situations.
So, are you in?
Okay, here's our last pitch. Maybe you've never done something like this before. Fatherhood can be hard enough, right? But, the Fathering Together Co-Founders, Brian and Chris, had no clue how to run a Facebook group or expect it to become one of the largest on the platform with over 127,000 dads. But it is! And they just kept saying yes to the opportunities presented to them to improve themselves and their child. You can too, and we can help!
So, will you join us?