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Learning from Creative Dads with Antonio Garcia

Today on the Dads with Daughters Podcast we spoke with Antonio Garcia, host of the Dadwell podcast. We talk about his own experience as a father as well as the podcast he has started to create conversations to help creative Dads to connect and learn from each other. 

If you’ve enjoyed today’s episode of the Dads With Daughters podcast we invite you to check out the Fatherhood Insider. The Fatherhood Insider is the essential resource for any dad that wants to be the best dad that he can be. We know that no child comes with an instruction manual and most are figuring it out as they go along. The Fatherhood Insider is full of valuable resources and information that will up your game on fatherhood. Through our extensive course library, an interactive forum, step-by-step roadmaps, and more you will engage and learn with experts but more importantly with dads like you. So check it out today!

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  1. Hello, Chris. This is Anthony Garcia, Sr, dad of Antonio Garcia. I just listened to your interview with him. It was a beautiful experience for me. I’m so proud of Antonio’s commitment to being the best dad he can be and have fun while doing it. His response about modeling how he interacts with his kids’ mom was a simple yet powerful lesson. The concept of building self esteem in girls is so important these days. I loved how you touched on that men can hurt, too, and should feel comfortable saying that they need help. Thank you for the wonderful interview.

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