Gender Equity Workshops

At Fathering Together, each month we select a theme to frame our workshops, panels, and weekly challenges. In October, we've selected Gender Equity. With the 11th being the United Nation's International Day of the Girl and the ongoing challenges to women's rights around the world, we felt it only appropriate. This is also a follow-up to the #Standupdads conversations we had in March. So we invite all our members to join us for panels at the end of the month that focus on how to create more gender balance in our homes and the importance of having paid parental leave for the benefits it gives fathers, not just mothers, in bonding with our children.

In our workshops, we'll focus on how to be an emotionally courageous dad through practices of self-regulation and strategies for emotionally connecting with your kids. We'll invite all of us to recognize and try to avoid gender traps in our relationships that may or may not reinforce the ways our children see household chores. Most importantly, our colleague, Joe Saucedo, will host a workshop on allyship that looks at the intersection of race and gender and the ways in which we, as dads, can be allies for women and especially women of color in our communities.

Most importantly, we invite you to sit and reflect on the ways in which gender plays out in your life. How has being a man, and a father, given you advantages that you may have never recognized before? How will your children especially daughters and children who identify as trans* walk through life differently than you? How can you, as their provider, protector, and parent, advocate for them and change systems that may have caused harm for them into systems that can help them thrive!

Click on the image below to learn more and sign up to attend an upcoming workship.

Recognizing Gender Traps
Dads as Allies Gender Equity Panel

Meet The Presenters

Brian Anderson

Brian Anderson

John Badalament

John Badalament, Ed.M.

Molly Dickens

Molly Dickens

Mary Beth Ferrante

Mary Beth Ferrante

Sheehan Foster

Sheehan Foster

Kate Mangino

Kate Mangino

Alonzo Nelson

Alonzo Nelson

Micheal Perry

Micheal Perry

Tet Salva

Tet Salva

Joe Saucedo

Joe Saucedo

Anna Marie Johnson Teague

Anna Marie Johnson Teague

Thanks To Our Sponsors


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