Tuseef Chaudhry

Tee Chaudhry

Tee Chaudhry is a father of one toddler daughter. A few months after her birth, Tee, his wife, and daughter relocated from the U.S. to Dubai where they currently live. Tee is a strong believer of inter-anything dialogue. He enjoys engaging with those who are polar opposite of him, believing that is where the potential of growth, understanding, and expanding one's comfort zone lies. During his free time, Tee explores the diverse food scene of Dubai and is slowly chipping away at his goal of visiting every country.
Ehime Enahoro is a father to two beautiful daughters and currently resides in the United Kingdom. He is a consultant within Technology and Business Change. He provides technical services and advisory to organizations going through transformation. His experience has taken him across intergovernmental organizations (The United Nations), The public sector, media & entertainment, Travel, Education and Financial Services.  

He has a passion for writing, speaking and outdoor sports. He provides coaching and mentoring to young professionals and also leadership teams. His experience as a Dad has been influenced by his Dad and other individuals he encountered through his journey. 

Mel is the Co-Founder/COO of Mirza, a femtech meets fintech company on a mission to close the gender pay gap. Mirza is the manifestation of her passion for equitable access for all genders and the desire to operate in the social impact space. She has a strong affinity for efficiency, boxing, and donuts. 
Sehreen Noor Ali is the Co-Founder/Co-CEO of Sleuth, which helps parents better steer their child’s health with directions from families and experts on a similar route. She started her career as a public servant/diplomat with the State Department and later worked at several edtech companies. She is the founder of EdTechWomxn, on the Advisory Board for SXSWedu, and is known as “kinda silly, but most mostly old” by her two young daughters.

David L. Stanley, B.Sc., M.A.  is a teacher, author, voice-over actor, and speaker. His wide-ranging work has appeared in national magazines on topics from men, depression, and suicide, fatherhood, and professional bicycle racing. He speaks on fatherhood, melanoma awareness, and the need for interfaith unity.  He is currently employed by his area’s only Islamic day school, where he teaches high school science.

His first book was Melanoma: It started with a freckle and his latest book, released in October, 2019, is From Jim Crow to CEO. Stanley is the “as told to” behind the autobiography of Willie Artis, a Black industrialist born in Memphis during the Great Depression who rose to success in Stanley’s home of Flint, MI

@Dstan58 was a Stay-at-Home-Dad in the early 90s; as he says, "Before it got cool."

Michelle Travis is a mom of two daughters and a long-time advocate for gender equity and work/family integration. She is a Professor at the University of San Francisco School of Law, where she serves as the Co-Director of USF’s Labor and Employment Law Program. Her award-winning book, Dads For Daughters: How Fathers Can Give Their Daughters a Better, Brighter, and Fairer Future, is an invitation and guidebook for men to become stronger advocates for gender equity in their homes, workplaces, and communities.

Michelle has a J.D. from Stanford Law School and a B.A. in psychology from Cornell University. Her research focuses on employment discrimination, work/family policies, gender stereotypes, and male allyship for gender equity. Michelle is also the author of a children’s picture book, My Mom Has Two Jobs, which celebrates working parents.

Thom Walstrum is a father of two—a daughter and son—who welcome him into the joys, sorrows, beauty, and messiness of childhood on daily basis. He lives with them and his wife in Evanston, IL. Thom is an economist for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and provides his quantitative and analytical expertise to the board.

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