About Us
Our Vision
Fathering Together envisions an equitable world where dads are active and engaged in their families and communities.
Our Mission
Fathering Together’s mission is to transform dads into positive change agents through communities of support and accountability which provide space for vulnerability and work toward equitable practices.
A New Approach to Fatherhood: Our Program Strategy
For too long, dads have been told that we’re meant to be breadwinners. This message is incomplete and stale. At Fathering Together, we believe dads can be so much more and research backs us up, and more importantly, members of our communities are demonstrating it! Dads are leading campaigns to install changing tables in public restrooms. Dads are joining their local PTAs and PTOs, serving as room parents and chaperones. Dads are taking parental leave and staying home so their partners can pursue their careers.
Our approach provides dads with community and resources to create new narratives and share them with others. Our Co-Founder Brian Anderson constantly reminds us that the best manual for fatherhood is the one you co-create with your child. We’re here to help you build the skills necessary to live a connected dad life and write the manual your child deserves.
And in case you thought we were making a bad dad joke, check out this data!

- Astone, N., & Peters, E. (2014). Longitudinal influences on men’s lives: Research from the transition to fatherhood project and beyond. Fathering, 12, 161-173.
- Nomaguchi, K., Brown, S., & Leyman, T. (2017). Fathers’ participation in parenting and maternal parenting stress: Variation by relationship status. Journal of Family Issues, 38, 1132-1156.
- Promundo, State of the world's fathers 2021: Structural solutions to achieve equality in care work. https://promundoglobal.org/resources/state-of-the-worlds-fathers-2021/
Our Inclusivity Statement
At Fathering Together, we believe that becoming a parent is the greatest responsibility you’ll ever have and everyday fathers must accept the challenge to be better than they ever thought they could. As an organization, we take this challenge seriously and strive to model what being “better than we ever thought we could” by creating equity and inclusivity in our communities, educational content, and ultimately our impact in the world.
Reimagine Fatherhood With Us!
By supporting our work, you are ensuring children have a bright future with dads who know how to connect with them on every level. Your donation will go toward the development of curriculum focused on socio-emotional learning, communication styles, positive parenting, and more. Our curriculum is used in our school-based programs to encourage dads to increase their involvement at home, school, and beyond. In addition, your donation also underwrites the costs associated with putting on meetups where dads connect with one another, share their story, and build lasting relationships that benefit their children and partners.